Fayette SDA Church


Family Matters

In an age when families are being ravaged by divorce, and other disfunctionalities, the Family Life Ministries Department of the Fayette SDA Church has responded with a series of programs to alleviate these social ills. One such program was held on the weekend of February 23-24, 2024, under the theme: Family Matters, with key presenter, Elder Gary James. The sessions began Friday, February 23, 2024, at 7:00 pm, and continued on Sabbath, February 24.

The first night, Friday, February 23, 2024, was a great beginning to the weekend. Elder Gary James led us out in Family Vespers where he discussed the need to learn the temperaments of those you love in order to show love to them and fully understand them and further build the relationship. He taught us about 4 temperament types: Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholic. We listened with rapt attention to be able to identify our own types as well as that of our loved ones.

On Sabbath, February 24, 2024, Elder James was the speaker for the divine hour and he delivered plain, powerful preaching to the delight of all in attendance. His sermon was delivered with light-heartedness but it was heavy on life lessons. Amidst all the humor Elder James made it clear that families matter to God, and that His arms are open wide to welcome us back home if and when we stray from the path. The takeaway from the sermon is that like Jesus we should also be willing to forgive family members who hurt or disappoint us.

During the afternoon session, Elder James shared practical information for married couples as well as singles in a humorous but profound manner. He also engaged his audience in a question-and-answer session that was very eye-opening and sometimes jaw-dropping. However, after all the laughter had died down, and the shock waves had passed all those present were left with a trove of information for building a successful marriage. The singles were not left out because they too received useful tidbits for selecting the right partner.

The day culminated in a fundraiser social which was well supported by the young and the young at heart. During the social, Elder James held the final session for married couples only. This was a much smaller session aimed at providing counseling on delicate matters that could not be discussed in an open forum. Since the author was not at this closed-door session, I have nothing further to add but to say it was a well-spent weekend.


See below to find the livestream broadcasts of the Sabbath morning and afternoon programs. 



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